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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Ienzo Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:53 pm

Zou laughed slightly izzy looking devilishly cute to him as he sat there.

" we won't try anything maybe just a little fun with your body, hyuuja likes dangerous things."

Zou said kissing izzys cheek lightly before opening the door to go giving izzy a chance to say something before he went home.

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Alariah Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:11 pm

Izzy was shivering with pleasure as he looked up at him.. "Thanks.. Zou-kun.." He whispered.. a blush still about his cheeks, but Izzy had to admit, he had liked what he had experienced, maybe liking men.. Wasn't so bad at all.

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Ienzo Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:03 pm

Zou gave Izzy a harsh glare at the suffix -kun on his name.

" Its Zou-Sama not -Kun "

Zou said harshly he would make clear who was in charge of this situation and Izzy. He wondered to himself if he should make the boy regret what had just happened or not. He turned and walked out the door shutting it firmly behind him.

" Ill be back soon sit tight and wait here till then , maybe even have alittle fun with yourself "

Zou said laughing deviously his foot steps light barely audible as he left izzy alone, i would be two days before he returned.

(post with a time skip of what izzy has/will do for 2 days and ill pick up with Zou from Dojo again )

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Alariah Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:49 pm

For the next two days Izzy experimented, Testing his limits as a vampire HE found that, to a degree as small as it was, he could control the very earth. He had to admit it was fun watching Plants wither and die or grow by his will. "Damn this is fun.. I might like being a vamp.."

But of course after 2 days he was groing bored and lonely..

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Ienzo Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:04 pm

Zou walked back into izzys cell yawning and stretching lightly. He was dressed differently today that he had previously been. He was wearing a black sleeveless turtle neck shirt and black skinny jeans with his combat boots. A small smirk was playing on his face as he entered the room.

" why hello there. I have good news for you. "

Zou said laughing slightly as he looked over izzy who seemed to be adjusting fairly well to his new life.

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Alariah Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:08 pm

Izzy turned and looked at him. "ya? What kinda news is this?" Was it just him or did Zou look.. more handsome that day than he had before? Izzy shook his head, nah he had to be imagining things.. "just say it already.. I'm bored in here.."

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Ienzo Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:21 pm

Zou's face went kinda blank for a second looking at izzy before laughing at his Impatience. Zou's silver hair fell out of the low ponytail he had tied it in flowing freely over his shoulder and down his back. He made a irritated 'tch' sound and tucked it behind his ear his long bangs swished to the side so he could see out of his right eye.

" The news is you have an option as in to where you live "

Zou said crossing his arms and leaning back against the door casually a slight hit of boredom mixed with his devilishness glare.

" You can stay with me at my apartment or in the dorms. OR you could stay with me during the vacations and when i dont have work away from my long term assignment at the Academy and the dorms any other time. or you could just stay in the dorms what ever suits your fancy "

Zou said long and drawn out pausing slightly between each option letting Izzy think over each and every one before he gave Zou an answer.

" You dont have to answer now if you dont want to "

Zou said stiffing a yawn as he stretched his arms above his head exposing his toned Abs beneath the shirt looking at izzy with a curious glare.

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Alariah Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:27 pm

Izzy looked at him and blushed a bit.. "Well fuck.. I dunno.. Stay with a guy that ould have killed me before.. or live in Stuffy dorms.. Doesnt sound like much of an option does it.." He gave him a smirk and laughed. "Ya I guss I can stay with you.. tch.. You aint gonna get all GAy on me are ya?" the smiel on his face betrayed the Fact that he didn't give a damn. The boy leaned back against the wall, Izzy was in fact shirtless, HE was not as toned as Zou was, but did not have a bit of Fat on him.

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Ienzo Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:36 pm

Zou watched Izzys reaction seeing the smile on his face causing Zou to smirk slightly. He looked over at Izzys slightly disappointed but not entirely upset. He slowly walked over to where izzy was laying against the wall leaning over him to where his hair trailed lightly over Izzys chest.

" Your not to bad looking with a little work i bet we could have this body of yours looking even better "

Zou said softly his breath tickling Izzys chest lightly , Zou placed his hands on the wall behind Izzy on each side of of they boy pinning him there. His tongue flicked out of his mouth and against the boy's nipple lightly as he looked up devilishly at izzy before moving away with a smirk.

" Then Get what you have and get ready to leave , unlike other vampires you can withstand more sun than they...kinda better off than me "

Zou said his tone getting softer towards the end.

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Alariah Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:41 pm

Izzy gulped and looked at him.. "Fuck Zou-sama.. It aint like I work out or anything.. Why bother.." His voice turning to a soft whisper at the end, his breath catching in his throat as Zou's tongue flicked over his Nipple.. "aahh..." Being pinned there, e didn't seem to mind as a blush crept over those soft cheeks.. "y-yeah.. Sure.." He panted a bit.. "Whatever you say.. For now.. Zou-kun.." HE whispered back to him.

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Ienzo Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:47 pm

Zou let out a irritated hiss when Izzy called him -kun again , and returned to pinning him against the wall. He leaned over Izzy his lips lightly against Izzy neck they were cold as ice , his hair teased Izzys torso and neck lightly.

" I thought i said that you were to address me as Zou-Sama "

Zou whispered harshly against Izzys neck his breath tickling it , sliding his tongue lightly and smoothly over a vein teasing it. He felt the boy needed to be punished but not in a way the boy would enjoy maybe he would save it for a later when they got back to his apartment.

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Alariah Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:57 pm

Izzy let out a pleasured gasp as Zou kept him pinned. "The fuck do I care.." He let out a small moaning sound as he Felt the male's breath and tongue against him.. "mm Damnn.. Zou.. what ya gonna do.. Make me?"

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Ienzo Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:05 pm

Zou chuckled slightly finding this slightly amusing , he was liking the way the boy and the boys body reacted to his actions. His lips faded into a smirk as he kept them on Izzys neck nipping it lightly with his teeth to create a mix of pleasure and pain as his tongue followed the nip. He didnt immediately answer Izzys question but instead let his fingers toy with with the boys nipples. He looked into Izzys eyes with a harsh commanding glare his own eyes a pale icy blue the teasing of his hands becoming harsh.

" You will address me as 'Zou-Sama' got it "

Zou said command and order filling his voice he didnt like being toyed with or addressed in the wrong manner by someone he even got on Hyuuja about it at time he was a good deal older than most the hunters and vampires now.

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Alariah Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:21 am

Izzy's eyes were rolled back in his head, he was drowning in the lustful pleasure that Zou was giving him.. "ahh.. Zou-sama..." He whimpered softly, Izzy as very much enjoying himself as far as Zou could tell, his Manhood straining against his pants.

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Ienzo Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:29 am

Zou smirked quite pleased with this response, he moved away from izzy for a moment reaching in his back pockets for something pulling out a pair of handcuffs.

" Good boy "

Zou said with a smile but a devilish look underneath that smile as he hand cuffed izzys hands behind his back. As he was doing this his body happened to brush against Izzys straing manhood causing Zou to chuckle softly.

" Tell me what to get that you want to take with you. This is going standard transfer protocol till we reach the city "

Zou said though he was lying somewhat , he was really doing this so izzy couldn't please himself again after all he had forgot to say -Sama and Zou was in one of his more dominant moods.

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Alariah Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:34 am

Izzy growled at the handcuffs adn motioned to a bag on the bed.. "My bag.. thats all I have.." He beleived it when Zou said it was standard protocol and le thimself be led off to the city and hopefully his new home. with Zou.

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Ienzo Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:38 am

Zou picked up the bag on the bed and slung it over his shoulder the small smirk still playing on his face. He pulled out a shirt and skillfully slipped the handcuffs off for a moment putting the shirt on izzy then replacing them just as quickly.

" Can't have you go out indecent either "

Zou said dusting off the shirt more so to tease the boy as in every so often his hand would brush against izzys pants. He clapped his hands together with a smile.

" well let us go now "

Zou said opening the door so they could leave keeping izzy in his sight.

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Alariah Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:41 am

Izzy gave a little hiss at Zou as he followed him.. "What.. afraid Ill lose control and munch on some poor human? As if.. " He licked his lips, nicking his tongue on his fangs and spat out a bit o the blood gathering on his tongue before sucking on it. Least it kept his mouth occupied.

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Ienzo Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:50 am

Zou's smirk widened as he listed to izzy thinking quietly to himself that it might be fun to break this one.

" No i dont think that , but dont spit on the floors "

Zou said shaking his head slightly as if in disappointment before placing a smooth kiss on izzys lips his tongue darting into izzys mouth to get a taste of the boys blood , his hand rubbed izzys crotch slightly before he released the boy from the kiss continuing to walk as if nothing had happened though a small smile played on his lips as he licked a small trace of izzys blood off his lips.

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Alariah Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:52 am

Izzy's eyes went half lidded as he was rubbed in such a manner.. "m. Fuck.. Zou-sama.. Your gonna drive me insane if you keep this up.. Baka.." He looked at him and licked his cheek with his bleeding otngue before it sealed up and ceased to bleed.. "mm You taste.. pretty good Zou-sama."

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Ienzo Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:01 am

Zou was pleased now seeing how the boy had learned to address him in the correct manner. A smile played on his face as izzy commented on his taste.

" You dont taste bad yourself but there is more of me you might be able to enjoy if you behave "

Zou said with a slightly pervert smirk on his face he was going to love teasing this boy. He tugged on The boys shirt and led him out of the building.

" Lets go home "

Zou said smiling as they walked out into the courtyard leaving for his house.

( One more post while i create a thread for Zous apartment in the city. and possibly one in the Mature section of the boards as well )

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Alariah Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:05 am

He looked at Zou and nodded, he was, nervous as all hell but he was learning.. "Hai.. Zou-sama.." Oh like hell would he always be so complacent, but he had to admit it was pretty fun with Zou around.

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Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy - Page 3 Empty Re: Izzarah Kurosaki comes to Cross Acadamy

Post  Ienzo Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:10 am

Zou led izzy away and towards his apartment in the city.

[Exit both]

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